What is Site Context?
Site Context is a real-time metric that benchmarks the concurrents of an article on a given site within the context of all articles appearing on that site, and scores it from 0-10 based on that context.
For example, if you looked at an article published on xyz.com on Wednesday at 1pm, a Site Context of 0 means an article is performing worse than how articles on xyz.com normally perform on a Wednesday at 1pm. A Site Context of 10 would mean an article is over-performing compared to how articles normally perform on xyz.com at that time.
General rule:
- Score 0-1 indicates under performance
- Scores 1-2 indicates average performance i.e your article is performing as expected
- Scores 3-7 indicates better than average in increasing scale
- Scores 8-10 indicate overperformance
How is it calculated?
- Site Context works off of a site-level model based on concurrents by hour of day and day of week, over the last 4 weeks.
- It is calculated by comparing the concurrents of an article with respect to a benchmark
- and scores it from 0 to 10 based on how close to the benchmark the article lies in.

The benchmarking methodology used to calculate Site Context works on an article level, and does not apply to landing pages.
How is the benchmark created?
- Site Context benchmark is calculated in real time by comparing the concurrents for *articles* (and not landing pages) for the past 4 weeks on the hour of day and day of week for the site it belongs to. Next, we construct the distribution function from these and compare the performance of articles with this distribution.
- if it is higher than the upper tail of the distribution, then we score it an 8 -10 i.e that article as over-performing or if it is lower end of the distribution we score it 0-1.