Real-time conversion data is a “today-so-far” metric displaying a cumulative count of user behavior throughout the current day.
Enabling conversion tracking on your site allows you to discover the articles driving key events in your reader journeys in real time.
Currently, for articles appearing in the Top Pages component of your Real-Time Dashboard, you can choose to view Subscriptions, Registrations, or Newsletter Signups in real-time.
Up to four Conversion metrics associated with the article will appear in a tooltip when hovering over the metric:
- Paywalls Shown: The number of unique readers who were shown a paywall when trying to view the article today so far.
- Subscriptions: The number of unique readers for whom the article was the last paywalled article they viewed prior to subscribing to your site.
- Stop Rate: The number of unique readers who were shown a paywall for the given article relative to the number of unique readers who have viewed the article today so far.
- Subscription Rate: The number of conversions attributed to the article relative to the number of paywalls shown.
You can also sort by top articles with the most subscriptions by clicking on "Subscriptions".
Note: A conversion in Real-Time is determined to be driven by a specific article if that article was the last one viewed by the converting reader anytime within the last 24 hours and the article was paywalled (had a shown event).
Conversion metrics can be selected as secondary metrics by clicking on the three dots in the top right hand corner of the Top Pages component of the Real-Time Dashboard, as shown below.