Our robust historical analytics tool allows you to dig deep into Chartbeat metrics to uncover trends in your audience behavior and track organizational and individual goals across long periods of time. Create, download and share easy-to-digest reports instantly—or have them emailed to you and your team—for the down-to-the-minute historical data about your site and audience that you want to see.
Use Advanced Queries to download your data into CSV files for easy import into Excel, Google Sheets, and other data viz applications.
Main Metrics
There are eight primary metrics in Advanced Queries (below) and a long list of available groups and filter parameters to access just the data you're looking for. For a full list of all metrics, groups, and filters, click here.
Average Scroll: The average maximum depth that visitors have scrolled to, in pixels, from the top of the page.
Average Engaged Time: The average amount of time in seconds visitors actively spent on a page.
Scroll Starts: The ratio of page views where a scroll event occurred, expressed as a decimal.
Total Engaged Time: The total amount of time in seconds spent actively on a page across sites.
Uniques: The number of unique visitor cookies to your pages.
Pageviews: The number of pages viewed.
Loyal Visitor Page Views: Pageviews from visitors who visit your site an average of every other day, or a minimum of eight unique days in a 16 day period.
Quality Page Views: Pageviews that received at least 15 seconds of engaged time.
New Query
To get started running a new query, there are a few required parameters you'll need to select in the interface: the site, query type (one-time or recurring), start & end date, and at least one metric must be added to the query builder template.
Site: The domain you want data for. If you have access to more than one domain, they’ll appear in the drop-down here.
Data Set: If your user account has access to both Video and Real-Time/Historical Dashboards for a given site that you're querying, this drop-down will appear, allowing you to query your page data (default) or your video engagement data.
One Time vs. Recurring Report: Toggle back and forth to specify whether you want to build a single report over a given time frame or set up a daily, weekly, or monthly recurring report.
Date Range: If you’re making a one-time report, use the calendar boxes here to specify the date range you want the report for. For recurring reports, select your preferred run-time frequency.
Number of Rows: Defines how many rows of data to be returned in the spreadsheet.
Timezone: Set the correct timezone for your query from your Settings page.
The Table Preview pane allows you to preview how the metrics, group, and filter parameters you've selected for your query will appear in your CSV file by pulling sample data from the previous 24 hours.
Note: the preview module does not pull data for your selected time range, but sample data from the previous data so you can preview your CSV export format and adjust your chosen query parameters if needed.
As you add metrics, groups and filters to your query, you can choose the field to sort your queried data by selecting the sort icon to the left of each selected parameter. With your sort parameter selected, click the icon once more to invert the sort results, ascending instead of the default descending. In the screenshot above, the query is sorted ascending on the scroll depth histogram parameter to export pageviews grouped by max distance scrolled in 100 pixel buckets.
With your query parameters selected, you're ready to run your query. Scroll all the way down the page to reveal the 'Run Query' button in the bottom right corner. You may also choose to name, share, and save your query before running it:
Name & save any one-time queries that you know you will want to run again perhaps over different time ranges. This makes it easy to re-run the report from your Saved Queries page in the future. If you'd like the report to automatically send to your colleagues with their own Chartbeat accounts equipped with Advanced Queries access, enter their email addresses comma-separated in the share field.
Select Run Query and a yellow banner will appear at the top of the page indicating that your query is in progress. When your query is completed, a green banner will appear with a link to download the CSV in your browser. You can also find and download your recently run queries in the Query Results page.
Metrics, Groups, & Filters
Metrics are the actual data point that you’re interested in seeing, for example Average Engaged Time, unique visitors, or scroll starts.
Groups let you organize the data that’s returned to you. For example, group your traffic data by authors, sections, page URLs, visitor geolocation, or hours of the day.
Filters let you only focus on a particular layer of data, for example if you just wanted to see the metrics for a particular section, referrer type, or page path.
For a full list of all acceptable metrics, groups, and filters, check out the Advanced Queries Docs page.
You may also choose to start with one of our pre-made query templates like Most Popular Articles, Top Sections and Top Authors. Select the 'Use a template' button to view a list of ready-to-go query templates, a great way to get started running your first queries.
Saved Queries
Manage & re-run your saved queries from the Saved Queries page. Saving a one-time query makes it easy to run again over a new time range from our one-time saved queries interface:
Select the three dot menu to edit, duplicate, or delete your saved queries:
From your saved recurring queries, you will also find the option to copy the query id from this menu, which you can use to fetch the recurring query data programmatically via an API call, making it easy to regularly import your Chartbeat historical data into your preferred storage location.
Query Results
The Query Results page makes it easy to locate your previous 100 query results. Download and save recently submitted queries with just a few clicks.
If your query shows as 'failed' from your results page, this likely means that your query was too large causing it to time out. Check out our tips for running faster queries here.
Adjust your query timezone setting from the Setting page before running a query. You can also opt to autofill your email address to all new queries that you create, and Admin users can manage your slack integration from this page to create slack alerts when your queries complete.