To query traffic data for a specific article in Advanced Queries, you can use our page path filter as shown below:
When using this filter or our internal navigation page path filter, it's important to enter the exact page path (URL) that our tracking script collects from your website when visitors load the page.
As a first step, remove the protocol ("https://") and "www." characters from the front of the canonical page URL that you want to query.
Next, make sure you use the correct page path format. Each site that we track follows one of two formats for how we collect and store the website's page paths; with or without the domain name. The default setting is to include the domain name in the page path, so for example:
Some sites have Chartbeat configured to use page paths without the domain included:
Here are some ways you can determine which of these path formats to use for the site you are querying.
Option 1: In the Advanced Queries builder, add the Pageviews metric and the Page path group, then click "Preview data". This will return path sample data that shows which type of page path formatting to use in your path filters. Or, you can run this query to download the list of top pages sorted by pageviews.
Option 2: Hover over any article in the Top Pages list of your Real-Time Dashboard to see the page path format used for this site. Remember, you're checking to see if the path we collect for your site includes or does not include the domain portion of the page URL, "".
If you don't see any data in your Advanced Queries report after running a query with the page path filter, please double-check that the formatting of your path is accurate (e.g. does the URL have a trailing slash that you left out of the path filter?). If the article was published on the same day that you are running a report, there may not be any data available yet in Advanced Queries.