Start each day with relevant site, section, and author data through recurring email reports containing unique auto-generated insights fueled by Chartbeat data science. Reports include visualizations and automated insights from your engagement data in an easy-to-digest email format. Quickly see and explore the vital patterns and correlations that inform your business decisions.
Report Templates
Site: High-level site overview of the previous day’s numbers.
Section: A look at an individual section's performance.
Author: Stories’ performance, filtered by byline.
Subscriber Engagement: A deep dive into the numbers for your subscribers.
Audience Breakdown: Performance of your stories, organized by visitor subscription status.
Note that the Subscriber Engagement and Audience Breakdown reports are only available for sites that provide subscriber type information for their visitors. Subscriber type information is available after an additional code implementation.
Conversions: A weekly report on conversion attribution.
Creating Reports
First, navigate to your Reports Dashboard
Hover over one of the available report templates and click "Create":
Select the available options in each template, and click "Create". All done! Your report will now be sent to the email address associated with your Chartbeat account.
Main Metrics
Engaged Minutes displays the total number of engaged minutes that all visitors spent actively interacting with the given site, section, or author's content for the previous day.
Pageviews, defined as the total number of pages viewed for the given site, section, or author.
Avg. Engaged Time displays the average time in seconds visitors are spending actively interacting with your content: including scrolls, clicks, mouse movements, touch events, and keystrokes. We track reader activity every second and report engagement stats back to our servers every 15 seconds, through the Chartbeat JS that is deployed when our code loads. Historical Avg Engaged Time is equal to Total Engaged Minutes divided by Pageviews.
Automated Insights
Every daily report, excluding the Audience Breakdown report, features a “Yesterday's insights” section highlighting noteworthy insights on yesterday's visitors, including traffic & referrer trends, high-performing stories, and more.
Engagement Trend
Reports also include an engaged minute trendline throughout the day for your sites, subscriber types, sections, and top performing stories in your author reports. You can find your engaged minutes broken out by traffic source in this section as well.
The Audience Breakdown report additionally provides breakouts of engaged minutes by device type, loyalty, and traffic source for each subscriber type, allowing you to quickly compare visitor behaviors across subscriber types.
Top Stories
Site, Subscriber Engagement, and Section Reports include a list of your top 10 stories by total engaged time, while Audience Breakdown Reports include a list of your top 5 stories for each subscriber type.
View total engaged minutes, pageviews, and average engaged time for each of your top performing articles, alongside publish date & time and author name. Each page title is linked directly to a page detail view in our Historical Dashboard to dive deeper on your traffic data for a particular story and better understand your content's reach by traffic source, visitor loyalty type, and device type.
Top stories are also included in our Author Reports with even more detail, including:
- All-time engaged minutes, pageviews & average engaged time for stories that were published prior to yesterday
- Engagement trend lines for each story
- Top off-site social posts by total interactions (likes, shares, retweets, etc), powered by CrowdTangle
Look for our insight badges like 'High Social' or 'Low Mobile' in your list of top stories. Insight badges specifically compare traffic and engagement for different segments (social, mobile, search, etc.) in the previous time period to the current time period-- same day last week for daily reports. If it's a Tuesday, and one of yesterday's stories saw engagement that falls above the 90th percentile for your top stories on Monday of the previous week, we call that out with a "High" insight badge in your Site Report. If another story saw engagement below the 10th percentile, we call that out with a "Low" badge.